Could't find %s dictionary.\nI'm forced to create brand new one!
MSG_MenuTitle (//)
MSG_Settings (//)
MSG_NewGame (//)
New game
MSG_About (//)
MSG_User (//)
MSG_UnRegistered (//)
Unregistered shareware version.\nIn order to register, please send $20 to the following address:\n\nDmitry Mikhilov\n194017, Drezdenskaya ul. 20-14\nSaint-Petersburg, Russia
MSG_Registered (//)
This version is registered to:\n\n%s\n\n%s\n\nRegistered number %ld\n\nThank you for your support!\nHave fun playing!
MSG_Quit (//)
MSG_Err (//)
MSG_BadNarr (//)
Can't use speech!
MSG_FirstWord (//40)
; This UPPERCASE word is put into newly created dictionary for each new language
; Singular common noun, nominative (common) case.
MSG_BadFirstWord (//)
First word defined in catalog (language %s)\nis too long to be used.\nChange catalog or current system language!
; MSG_FirstWord was improperly defined! Word MUST contain less than 16 letters!
MSG_Dictionary (//)
MSG_Import (//)
Import text...
MSG_Export (//)
Export as text...
MSG_Merge (//)
Merge dictionaries...
MSG_FindPriceFileError (//)
Couldn't find prices for %s language!
MSG_ErrorReadingPriceFile (//)
Couldn't read prices for %s language!
MSG_WrongPriceFile (//)
Can't understand line %ld of prices for %s language!
MSG_PriceTooHigh (//)
\nPrice too high at line %ld (language %s).\n Maximum is %ld.
MSG_NoReqLib (//)
Can't open reqtools.library
MSG_BadImport (//)
Imported file contains invalid characters\nfor %s language in line %ld
; such cases in other languages except English and Russian... If anyone will tell me, I'll
; implement all the neccessary stuff immediately.
MSG_Variants (//)
MSG_AddWord (//)
Add word...
MSG_QueryWord (//)
Query word...
MSG_DeleteWord (//)
Delete word...
; * All these messages ARE SPOKEN! Be sure, your narrator will be able to
; * handle them!
MSG_Success1 (//)
MSG_Success2 (//)
MSG_Success3 (//)
MSG_Success4 (//)
MSG_Success5 (//)
I can't stand it
MSG_Success6 (//)
I'm a looser
MSG_Success7 (//)
What a masterpiece
MSG_Success8 (//)
You're genius
MSG_Success9 (//)
I'm afraid of you
MSG_Success10 (//)
Are you a philologist?
MSG_YourSuccess (//)
I'm outside
MSG_Poor1 (//)
You could do it better
MSG_Poor2 (//)
MSG_Poor3 (//)
Not excellent
MSG_Poor4 (//)
Not the best choice
MSG_Poor5 (//)
Not perfect
MSG_Poor6 (//)
Not the best move
MSG_BigDifference (//)
You lost a great opportunity
MSG_NewWord1 (//)
Quite unexpected!
MSG_NewWord2 (//)
A new word for me
MSG_MyTurn (//)
My turn
MSG_YourTurn (//20)
; Player's name is inserted BEFORE request!
MSG_Pardon (//)
MSG_Exactly (//)
; ***********************************************
MSG_SameWords (//)
The result of your move is several equal words.\nThis is not acceptable!
MSG_MoreBlack (//)
Add to antidictionary
MSG_ImpossibleWord (//)
The word %s is not valid for current language!
; ** Currently this message is actual only for russian language, because rusgrammar.library
; ** performs neccessary checking
; **** Next strings are used as results of rexx commands ****
MSG_InvalidWord (//)
Invalid word
MSG_OutOfBounds (//)
Invalid length
MSG_InvalidCharacters (//)
Invalid characters
; **** Above strings are used as results of rexx commands ****
MSG_EnvarcButton (//)
MSG_EnvButton (//)
MSG_WritePlayersFail (//)
Couldn't write players names
MSG_Amiga (//)
Sorry, Amiga is my name!
MSG_LongName (//)
First name must be less than 11 characters long!
MSG_ReadPlayersFail (//)
Couldn't read players names
MSG_InHighs (//)
The name you've entered is already in the table of highscores!
MSG_TwoNames (//)
You must supply at least your first and second names!
MSG_ThinkSpeed (//)
MSG_ClockWinHelp (//)
Timing gauges
MSG_TurnGauge (//)
Missed moves left
MSG_GameTime (//)
Game time
MSG_PlayerTime (//)
Time for one move
MSG_Seconds (//)
Seconds meter (warns you\nabout time expiration)
MSG_VoiceControl (//)
Voice Control
MSG_BadComment (//)
Probability of expression of sorrow
MSG_WhosTurn (//)
Tell who's turn to move
MSG_TestSpeech (//)
Say something
MSG_SaveParams (//)
Write these settings to disk
MSG_UseParams (//)
Use these settings while playing
MSG_ThinkTime (//)
Thinking time for each move (minutes)
MSG_LeftName (//)
First & second name of "left" player
MSG_RightName (//)
First & second name of "right" player
MSG_LeftNameList (//)
List of names for "left" player
MSG_RightNameList (//)
List of names for "right" player
MSG_UseMaxTime (//)
Switch of game time limit control
MSG_UseMaxPoints (//)
Switch max points control
MSG_MaxPoints (//)
Points limit for one game
MSG_MaxTime (//)
Time limit for one game
MSG_PermitComment (//)
Make comments for weak moves
MSG_GameControl (//)
General game settings
MSG_BadAnchorScreen (//)
Can't use default public screen as anchor
MSG_Prices (//)
Letter prices...
MSG_BadCatalog (//)
Bad language catalog
MSG_MuiMenu (//)
MSG_MuiSettings (//)
MSG_BadBigFontSize (//)
Size of normal font must be 14÷18
MSG_BadTinyFontSize (//)
; Size of letter prices font must be 5÷8
MSG_Alert (//)
MSG_AboutAlert (//)
How many seconds before player's time\nexpiration does the secondmeter trigger
MSG_ButtonWinHelp (//)
Select neccessary letter\nto substitute the asterisk
MSG_DelList (//)
Bad words
MSG_DelListHelp (//)
Double click on the word that you\nwant to delete from dictionary
MSG_PriceListHelp (//)
Here are the prices of the\nletters for english language
MSG_NewWordsListHelp (//)
Here are the new words, which\nwere added to dictionary during\nthe last playing session. Double\nclick will delete any of them!
MSG_AddWordWinHelp (//)
Enter the word that you\nwant to add to dictionary
MSG_FindWordWinHelp (//)
Enter the word that you\nwant to find in dictionary
MSG_DelWordWinHelp (//)
Enter the word that you\nwant to delete from dictionary
MSG_AntiWords (//)
Here are contents of antidictionary. Double click on any word will delete it
MSG_AddAntiWinHelp (//)
Enter the word that you want\nto add to antidictionary
MSG_HighScoreHelp (//)
Here are the most prominent TossWord players
MSG_Warn (//)
MSG_NoIconify (//)
MUI setting for TossWord is set to\n"Start in iconified state"\nThis is not a valid mode for TossWord.\nPlease, uncheck the\n"System/Iconification/On startup"\ngadget and save MUI settings!
MSG_CantMerge (//)
Can't merge the dictionary with choosen file
MSG_NewDictionary (//)
It seems to me that newer version of TossWord was installed\nand newer dictionary has come with it.\nDo you wish to merge it with your old dictionary?
; ***** Replace «english» with standard name of your own language!!! *****
MSG_DoForget (//)
Do it|Forget it
MSG_FailDelFile (//)
Couldn't delete new dictionary file!
MSG_InvalidVoc (//)
Dictionary is corrupted!
MSG_CloseScreenFail (//)
Please close all windows on TossWord screen!
MSG_NoSuchChar (//)
Invalid character [%s] (ASCII code %ld)\nfor english language.\nPlease, correct the file Prices.english
; ***** Replace «english» with standard name of your own language!!! *****
MSG_MissedChars (//)
The character [%s] (ASCII code %ld) is forgotten.\nPlease, correct the file Prices.english
; ***** Replace «english» with standard name of your own language!!! *****
MSG_WordReject (//)
The word %s is unknown for me.\nChoose another one, please.
MSG_AreYouSure (//)
Are you sure that the word\n%s\nreally exists?
MSG_Learn (//)
MSG_Ask (//)
MSG_Reject (//)
MSG_Off (//)
MSG_Auto (//)
MSG_Phones (//)
MSG_Modem (//)
MSG_ModemHelp (//)
Here you can specify modem-related\nactions when launching TossWord
MSG_NewWordsHelp (//)
What to do if you'll put an unknown word?
MSG_RejectUnknown (//)
The word \'%s\' is unknown for me.\nMake another move, please!
MSG_ReallyNew (//)
Are you sure that the word\n\'%s\' really exists?
MSG_Cut (//)
Cut words...
MSG_CutFile (//)
File for cutting
MSG_CutDone (//)
%ld word%s cut\n%ld word%s remained
MSG_ErrorCut (//)
Error while cutting words!
MSG_Author (//)
D.I. Mikhilov
MSG_GameName (//)
MSG_FewWords (//)
Sorry, dictionary is not big enough to start the game!
MSG_PauseLetters (//9)
MSG_WordsEnough (//)
Dictionary is large enough now to start game
MSG_PlayersNameTooLong (//)
Player's name specified in Tooltypes is too long!
; **** These phrases ARE SPOKEN! Be sure, your narrator can handle them!!! *****